At actual front, dark nimbus and cumulonimbus clouds cause heavy showers.The approach of a cold front is marked by increased wind activity in warm sector and the appearance of cirrus clouds, followed by lower, denser altocumulous and.Temperatures can drop more than 15 degrees within the first hour. In some regions like USA tornadoes occur in warm sector.During the summer months thunderstorms are common in warm sector. The weather along such a front depends on a narrow band of cloudiness and precipitation.Gif Image – Open in a new tab to view the animation or View in Power Point Weather along a cold front Frontolysis begin when the warm air mass is completely uplifted by the cold air mass.Cold front moves up to twice as quickly as warm fronts.In such a situation, the transition zone between the two is a cold front.Such a front is formed when a cold air mass replaces a warm air mass by advancing into it or that the warm air mass retreats and cold air mass advances (cold air mass is the clear winner).Cyclones migrating along a stationary front can dump heavy amounts of precipitation, resulting in significant flooding along the front.Overrunning of warm air along such a front causes frontal precipitation. Once this boundary resumes its forward motion, becomes a warm front or cold front.Warm or cold front stops moving, so the name stationary front.The wind motion on both sides of the front is parallel to the front.

When the surface position of a front does not change (when two air masses are unable to push against each other a draw), a stationary front is formed.Based on the mechanism of frontogenesis and the associated weather, the fronts can be studied under the following types.The intensity of precipitation depends on the slope of ascent and amount of water vapour present in ascending air.The frontal activity is invariably associated with cloudiness and precipitation because of ascent of warm air which cools down adiabatically, condenses and causes rainfall.Īdiabatic Lapse Rate – Latent Heat of Condensation.Wind Shift: A change in wind direction of 45 degrees or more in less than 15 minutes with sustained wind speeds of 10 knots or more throughout the wind shift. Front experiences wind shift, since the wind motion is a function of pressure gradient and Coriolis force.With a sudden change in temperature through a front, there is a change in pressure also.